Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm confused. I keep thinking today is Monday and folks are in the office. My brain has been in perpetual motion for weeks, juggling tax prep, wills, legal jargon, mortgages, recalcitrant employers who owe me fees, meanwhile problem-solving a new pattern and developing new performance projects in my spare (!) time. How do I get the hamster off the wheel?

I might drop in here from time to time, but I do seem to have lost my blogging mojo (if I ever really had it). However, I still have quite a lot to say online and I'd love to share it with you and connect and find out what you are up to... If you're looking for me, you can find me on Facebook, over here: and occasionally over here: Ramona Carmelly
at my other blog.

See ya round the webosphere!

Ciao for now!


Carol said...

hopefully the yoga helped with that!

Karen D said...

Hi .. you won the giveaway for Jen Lee "finding your voice" I need you to contact me at with your mailing address